We found level shifts but no slope changes starting in August 2016 for male and October 2016 for female preterm births to Latina women. Results of testing for critical periods by gestational age at the time of the election found that preterm births peaked in February and July 2017 for male and female infants .
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As with the AMIGAS intervention, we field-tested the general health intervention with Latina women recruited in Miami. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funded the study from August 2007 to August 2010. Latina principal investigators and coinvestigators led the study team, and the majority of the health department staff and project partners at Emory University and the CDC were Latino or were fluent in Spanish. The study team members were from Cuba, Central American countries, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico.
The experience of workers 55 and older in the COVID-19 recession is the opposite of their experience during the Great Recession, when their employment increased 4% from 2007 to 2009. One factor in the increase in employment among older workers in the Great Recession was their rising labor force participation prior to the recession, from 30% in 1995 to 40% in 2009, adding to their numbers in the workforce even amid a recession. The employment of young adult workers ages 16 to 24 has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 downturn, with one-quarter of them losing their jobs from February to May.
Julia Constanza Burgos García was born in 1914 in Carolina, Puerto Rico. A successful published poet in her native Puerto Rico, de Burgos struggled to get the recognition she deserved after moving to the U.S. in the 1930s. Her poems spoke of the beauty of her native country, and celebrated her identity as an immigrant black Latina — all things that were outside of the mainstream in early 20th-century poetry circles. Way ahead of their time, de Burgos’ scintillating poems center on themes of feminism and social justice, setting the stage for many Latino writers to come.
For example, women whose babies have a congenital heart defect such as a ventricular septal defect or hypoplastic left or right heart syndrome can consult with a cardiothoracic surgeon. Pediatric surgeons can repair complex congenital or acquired conditions soon after birth. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause your cells to become less responsive to insulin. For most pregnant women, the body adjusts, and the pancreas produces more insulin.
The inauguration and subsequent passage of immigration-related Executive Orders in January 2017, for example, may have stressed Latina women as much as or more than the election. If so, the critical periods suggested by the February and July peaks would correspond to the late third trimester and middle first trimester, respectively.
The late date for Latina Equal Pay Day demonstrates the differential economic well-being faced by Latinas compared to white men in terms of earnings. Researchers analyzed 1,293 women who gave birth between April and June at Pennsylvania Hospital and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, which combined represent 50 percent of live births during that time in Philadelphia.
Bonomi AE, Kernic MA, Anderson ML, Cannon EA, Slesnick N. Use of brief tools to measure depressive symptoms in women with a history of intimate partner violence. Rivara FP, Anderson ML, Fishman P, Bonomi AE, Reid RJ, Carrell D, et al.
So a white Jewish woman from Kansas City has been lying her whole adult life by pretending to be black. It comes as no surprise to most that there’s a sustained pay gap between men and women in the American work force, but today we look beyond the gap between just men and women and instead recognize how race and ethnicity impacts this divide. Today, Latinas are paid only 54 cents compared to a White, non-Hispanic man’s one dollar for completing similar work. For Black women the gap is 63 cents, and for Native American women it’s 58 cents. Workers without any college education were more likely to have lost their jobs than workers with at least some college education in the COVID-19 downturn.
Employment among immigrant workers has decreased more sharply than among U.S.-born workers in the COVID-19 recession, a 19% drop compared with 12%. In the Great Recession, immigrants lost jobs at a slightly slower pace than U.S.-born workers. Hispanic women have experienced a steeper decline in employment (‑21%) in the COVID-19 downturn than other women or men. One reason is that Hispanic women are more likely than others to be employed in leisure and hospitality services; some 14% of Hispanic women were in 2018 compared with 10% of women and 8% of men overall. The leisure and hospitality sector shed 39% of its workforce from February to May, far more than any other sector.
Disaggregating the white male premium and the Hispanic woman penalty for various subgroups of Hispanic women can help paint a fuller picture of wage gaps for Hispanic workers based on country of origin, immigration history, and education. This methodological approach demonstrates how white men and Hispanic women of different countries of origin are respectively advantaged and disadvantaged compared to other workers in the economy, while also facilitating a direct wage comparison between the two groups.
The research team’s serological test utilized a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein receptor binding domain antigen and a modified ELISA protocol. Researchers used samples stored at the Penn Medicine Biobank collected from 834 people prior to the pandemic and 31 people who recovered from known Covid-19 infections to test the efficacy of their antibody test. The researchers also tested samples from 140 pregnant women collected before the pandemic.
A key contributing factor is that nearly half of young adult workers (48%) were employed in higher-risk industries in February, compared with 24% of workers overall. Job losses for older workers were also sizable, ranging from 9% to 13%, but less severe than for young adults. The pattern of job losses by age in the COVID-19 recession is generally consistent with the pattern in the Great Recession and in previous recessions. In a Pew Research Center survey conducted April 29-May 5 young adults ages 18 to 29 were also more likely than older Americans to say that they have lost a job or taken a pay cut because of the coronavirus outbreak.
Though Brazil is part of Latin America, it is not a Spanish-speaking country, and is excluded from the category of Latinos by the United States Census office. Currently, there are over 20 million immigrant women residing in the United States.
As described in more detail in eTables 1 to 3 in the Supplement, the election-variable coefficients for male and female births remained significantly greater than 0. The results of our second https://listeria.ohcreaciones.com/2020/07/09/why-pick-this-specific-type-of-best-latina-women/ robustness check, in which we used the methods of Chang et al33 to detect level shifts, slope changes, and spike-and-decay sequences in the data, also converged with our primary tests.
We know of no way to empirically discriminate between these competing inferences of critical periods. Our analyses included live male and live female singleton births from January 1, 2009, through July 30, 2017; nearly one-quarter of these births (23.5%) were to Latina women. Preterm infants represented 11.0% of male and 9.6% of female births to Latina women and 10.2% and 9.3% of those to other women. Figure 1 shows the expected monthly counts under the counterfactual scenario in which the 2016 election did not take place as well as the observed counts of male and female preterm births to Latina women during the test period. All birth count variables exhibited strong seasonality for male and female births.